The Network “Chilean Federation of Animal Welfare” network (spanish: Red “FeChBA”) has been forming for five years under the mentoring and advice of FinnDomingo. Last weekend, representatives of the member associations met in person for the first time to discuss how to proceed in the future. The workshop took place in Concepción, the second largest city in Chile and home to FinnDomingo’s international office.
The vision and major goal of the network is to eventually establish a national umbrella organization, similar to the German Federation of Animal Welfare, that unites the voices of its members in order to give animal welfare a much more powerful voice than it currently has in Chilean politics and society.
Anyone who is familiar with the enormous distances in this country, as well as the financial situation and everyday obstacles faced by Chilean associations, knows the enormous task that lies ahead of them. Just the organization of this workshop and the participation in it took a massive effort. A hearty THANK YOU to everyone who contributed to FinnDomingo being able to carry out this project with their donations.
The meeting meant a great deal to all of us, because the Chilean animal rights activists gained new courage, new motivation and new ideas.
We wish them strength and success on their journey!