Home Finndomingo

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The well being of humans is closely linked to the welfare of the animals.

Who helps animals, also helps people.

Wherever animals live in human care, their well-being is only possible if their needs and wants are known and addressed. Our non-profit organization FinnDomingo e.V. helps people in Germany and Chile acquire the necessary experience and offers opportunities to practice and exchange knowledge regarding animal husbandry, animal care and animal health.

Ayin Ruka 1.0: Images and reports

Our mission at the Ayin Ruka animal shelter in the small Chilean town of Los Álamos was the start of a multi-year aid project and lasted from November 23 to December 10, 2023. Unfortunately, the planned daily ten-minute live broadcast on Instagram could not take place. This was due to technical and organizational reasons and ... Read more

Ellen Stähr
30. December 2023

Call for volunteers

Fancy three, six or twelve months of service abroad? Curious about the country and people “on the other side of the world”? Open to new experiences in animal welfare? FinnDomingo e.V. is once again offering this opportunity and is advertising a position at the AYIN RUKA animal shelter as part of its volunteer service. It ... Read more

Ellen Stähr
23. December 2023

Here we go: Help for Ayin Ruka!

Otilia Munizaga, the founder and sole operator of the Ayin Ruka animal shelter, is a brave old lady, but she is in poor health and will not be able to cope with her work with over 70 dogs for much longer. There is clearly danger ahead! FinnDomingo e.V. is therefore now launching a three-stage aid ... Read more

Ellen Stähr
1. September 2023

Become a food/medicine sponsor? Here’s how…

The FinnDomingo animal sponsorships started during the COVID pandemic as emergency aid for the member associations of the project “Network Chilean Animal Welfare Association”. In the meantime, they have become established as a small contribution to the daily struggle of Chilean animal welfare activists, which has by no means become easier after the pandemic. With ... Read more

Ellen Stähr
30. August 2023