

In October 2019, three Chilean animal welfare associations decided to work together in future instead of – as is unfortunately not uncommon in Germany – working side by side or even against each other. Together with FinnDomingo e.V., they wanted to bring together as many Chilean associations as possible under one roof in order to eventually establish an association modeled on the German Federation of Animal Welfare. In the meantime, a further ten Chilean associations have gone through the admission process and the “Chilean Federation of Animal Welfare” network has grown to a total of thirteen associations.

This means that FinnDomingo e.V. has Chilean contacts in 6 of the country’s 16 regions.

The role of FinnDomingo e.V.

The members of the network see FinnDomingo e.V. as a mediator, bridge-builder and advisor throughout the entire process. The project coordinator of our association, a German teacher who has lived in Chile for years and knows not only the language but also the culture of the country very well and is intensively involved in animal welfare, plays a decisive role in this. Without her, it would not be possible to locate and check potential other interested parties and, in particular, to coordinate and document the network activities.