Bite prevention program for preschoolers

  The term “Patas y Manos” (“Paws & Hands”) is the working title of the planned Chilean adaptation of “The Blue Dog”, a bite prevention program which has been used in various European countries for about ten years. In Germany, the interactive educational course for toddlers and preschoolers and their parents is included in the … Read more

A crazy year is coming to an end. Summary.

FinnDomingo e.V. had big plans in 2020. What happened to them? Well, like many other people, we have spent time, energy and money saving our plans from the pandemic, unfortunately to no avail in most cases. Nonetheless, we have accomplished a few things and now we look to the New Year with confidence. 1. Exchange … Read more

The Blue Dog

The Blue Dog is an educational program that was originally developed to prevent dog bite injuries in children between the age of three and six. The main role is played by a blue dog named “Blu”. In an interactive computer story, children and their parents learn how to properly handle their dogs and how to … Read more