First project with wild animals in human care

Currently, members of FinnDomingo e.V. are traveling Chile to prepare our projects for the year 2025. These are always exchange and education projects, which so far have mainly focused on dogs and cats, as this is the most evident problem in Chile. Equally important, though less visible, are the often appalling conditions in which farm … Read more

Series “Learning from each other” continues

With our educational program “Learning from each other” in German-Chilean exchange we promote knowledge about responsible animal husbandry. The pilot project “Learning from each other: animal care(takers) in Germany and Chile”, with which we started active development work in 2019, has proven itself, but could not be continued in 2020 and 2021, although the funding … Read more

A crazy year is coming to an end. Summary.

FinnDomingo e.V. had big plans in 2020. What happened to them? Well, like many other people, we have spent time, energy and money saving our plans from the pandemic, unfortunately to no avail in most cases. Nonetheless, we have accomplished a few things and now we look to the New Year with confidence. 1. Exchange … Read more

Second round: Learning from each other 2020

And on we go with our project series “Learning from each other: Animal care(takers) in Germany and Chile”, which is partly funded by federal funds. Thus, in 2020 again, Chilean and German animal rights activists will exchange ideas, visit each other and work together. “Learning from each other: Animal care(takers) in Germany and Chile” is … Read more

2020 plans

“Learning from each other: animal care(takers) in Germany and Chile”: With this educational exchange program we started our engagement in development work in 2019. Our aim is to promote intercultural understanding and to foster transfer of knowledge and practical experience in responsible animal husbandry. The pilot project has worked out well and will be repeated … Read more

Official kick-off event

Berlin, 26.11.2018. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) presented its support program EducationWorldwide to the public. Parts of our project “Learning from each other: Animal keepers in Germany and Chile” also receive funding from this support program. The four clubs involved in the project were invited to the event and were represented in … Read more

Learning from each other: Animal keepers in Germany and Chile

Our first big German-Chilean project! “Learning from each other: Animal keepers in Germany and Chile” is the name of the project, which is partially supported with German federal funds. Chilean and German animal rights activists will host exchange visits and work jointly for an entire year. This project is based upon cooperation between three German … Read more