With our educational program “Learning from each other” in German-Chilean exchange we promote knowledge about responsible animal husbandry. The pilot project “Learning from each other: animal care(takers) in Germany and Chile”, with which we started active development work in 2019, has proven itself, but could not be continued in 2020 and 2021, although the funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) had been promised in both years.
In Chile as well as in Germany many people take care of the welfare and species-appropriate husbandry of animals. Bringing them together and thus contributing to intercultural understanding is the primary goal of this annually planned series of projects.
After almost all activities planned for the exchange had to be canceled in the last two years due to the pandemic (especially preparatory meetings, intercultural coaching, study and work stays in Chile), we are now hoping for a progressive and, above all, lasting improvement in the situation. Therefore, October of this year we will apply for funding via the German government’s “Training Worldwide” program.