The story of Finn Domingo

The odyssey of a little street dog. Nothing important in world affairs, right? Or is it? Anyone can make a difference. These pictures show why it is worth the effort.

Official kick-off event

Berlin, 26.11.2018. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) presented its support program EducationWorldwide to the public. Parts of our project “Learning from each other: Animal keepers in Germany and Chile” also receive funding from this support program. The four clubs involved in the project were invited to the event and were represented in … Read more

Learning from each other: Animal keepers in Germany and Chile

Our first big German-Chilean project! “Learning from each other: Animal keepers in Germany and Chile” is the name of the project, which is partially supported with German federal funds. Chilean and German animal rights activists will host exchange visits and work jointly for an entire year. This project is based upon cooperation between three German … Read more

Helping people help themselves

Chile is one of the most advanced countries in South America, but when it comes to animal welfare, it is still lagging behind. For example, the steadily increasing number of stray dogs is a matter of great concern to many people. The problem will not remedy itself if people continue to ignore it and do … Read more